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  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
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About XML Browser, Htek IP Phone supports TextMenu, TextScreen, Directory, Status, Execute, FormattedTextScreen , InputScreen , ImageScreen and Configuration. If you have any questions when test this part, please feedback to us.
Fistly, build a HTTP server.
For example:
HTTP Server, Port:80
Host address:
Before you test, you need to modify the URL in the TextMenu.xml(e.g: <URI> </URI>) ,
and in the ImageScreen.xml
( <Image horizontalAlign="middle" verticalAlign="bottom" ></Image>)
Test steps:
Step 1: Put the .xml files into upgrade directory: D:\xampp\htdocs\xml_browser
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Step 2: Login the IP Phone's webpage: Function Keys->Line key, select the Type: XML Browser; Value: ->Click "SaveSet" button:
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Step 3: Hitting the Line key 4 on the Phone, you can see the following content:
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Step 4: Choose the TextScreen column by hitting up/down arrow, then hitting the Select button.
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Step 5: Hit the Exit button to return to the previous interface.
Step 6: Choose the Directory column by hitting up/down arrow, then hitting the Select button.
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Hitting the Next button can choose the contact.
Hitting the Previous button can choose the previous contact.
Hitting the Dial can dial out.
Step 7: Hitting the Exit button can return to the previous interface

Step 8: Choose the Status column by hitting up/down arrow, then hitting the Select button.
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Step 9: Hit the Line key 4 to enter the TextMenu interface
Step 10: Choose the Execute column by hitting up/down arrow, then hitting the Select button, then the Phone will execute the command <ExecuteItem URI="Dial:860"/> in the Execute.xml
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Step 11: Choose the FormattedTextScreen column by hitting up/down arrow, then hitting the Select button:
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Step 12: Choosing the ImageScreen column by hitting up/down arrow, then hitting the Select button, the image(support the .jpg/.png/.bmp) will show on the LCD:
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Step 13: Choose the InputScreen column by hitting up/down arrow, then hitting the Select button:
The InputScreen.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
displayMode = "normal"
defaultIndex="2" >
<Title wrap="yes">Input Info</Title>
<InputField type="number" password="no" editable="no">
<Prompt>User ID:</Prompt>
<InputField type="IP" password="no" editable="yes">
<Prompt>IP Address:</Prompt>
<InputField type="string" password="no" editable="yes">
<InputField type="string" password="yes" editable="no">
Then you can see the content input on the Screen:
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You can edit the IP Address, Name, password information.
Step 14: Choose the Configuration column by hitting up/down arrow, then hitting the Select button:
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The Configuration.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
Beep="yes" >
<P271 para="Account1.Active">1</P271>
<P47 para="Account1.Sipserver"></P47>
<P20000 para="Account1.Lable">531</P20000>
<P35 para="Account1.SipUserId">531</P35>
<P36 para="Account1.AuthenticateID">531</P36>
<P34 para="Account1.AuthenticatePassword">test11</P34>
<P3 para="Account1.DispalyName">531</P3>
<P41203 para="LineKey4.Type">3</P41203>
<P41303 para="LineKey4.Value"></P41303>
<P41403 para="LineKey4.Label"></P41403>
<P41503 para="LineKey4.Account"></P41503>
<P41603 para="LineKey4.PickupCode"></P41603>
<P42200 para="MemoryKey1.Type">5</P42200>
<P42300 para="MemoryKey1.Value"></P42300>
<P42400 para="MemoryKey1.Account"></P42400>
<P42500 para="MemoryKey1.PickupCode"></P42500>
Then you can see the Line 1 is registered as another account:
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Step 15: Choose the ImageMenu column by hitting up/down arrow, then hitting the Select button:
The ImageMenu.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<ImageMenu Beep="yes" Timeout="120" mode="regular">
verticalAlign="top" horizontalAlign="left"></Image>
<URIList base="">
<URI key="#"></URI>
<URI key="0">Directory.xml</URI>
<URI key="1"></URI>
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Press # ,then enter the TextMenu column
Press 0 ,then enter the Directory
Press 1 ,then enter the InputScreen
You can custom the <URI key="custom"> you want.