Log into the Web GUI of your phone (default username and password is admin:admin).
Navigate to Management--> Tools
Under the 'Pcap Feature' section press the 'Start' button. This will start the PCAP process in the phone
Please try to reproduce the issue
Then press the 'Stop' button. This will stop the PCAP process
Press the 'Export' button to export the package to your computer.
Note: If you need to do some operations on the phone’s web, you could open two webpage of the phone, so you will be able to operate on one of them, and capture the pcaps on the other one.
Capture pcap when you need do operations on the phone’s webpage
Open two webpage of the phone, so you will be able to operate on one of them, and capture the pcap on the other one
Next, use capture the registry pcap as an example.
On the Management -> Tools webpage, start capture pcap, then disable/re-enable SIP register on Account page.
Wait a few seconds, stop capture, and export the pcap.
Capture packet by Port Mirror
Computer connect the phone's PC port.
Log into the Web GUI of your phone (default username and password is admin:admin).
Navigate to Management--> Tools
Under the 'Port Mirror' section press the 'Enable' button and save it..
Computer open the capture packet tool( e.g. : wireshark)
Please try to reproduce the issue
Stop capture packet.