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Call forwarding

Over View

Call fo rward refers to the call forwarding, that is, if your phone can't answer or you don't want to answer the phone, you can transfer the call to other phone numbers. There are two ways to call forward:

  • A?Calling mobile subscriber side
  • B?Served mobile subscriber side

How To Config

Log in phone's webpage->Setting->Features->Do Not Disturd->DND Work Type
You can choose Local?Server

Local: Global variable, all registered accounts will execute this forward function
Server: Configure the extension number to forward on the server

How To Use

Local: Log in phone's webpage->Setting->Features->Forward

  1. If enabled always forward, the phone will forward the call to the extension which you have chosen.
  2. If enabled busy forward, the phone will forward calls to the extension which you have chosen.
  3. If enabled no answer forward within seconds, the phone will forward the call to the extension which you have chosen.

To configure forward via fusionpbx Management Console:
Server: Log in fusionpbx Management Console > Apps -> Follow Me ->Select a Extension> Call Routing. You can configure the forwarding rules for the two kind of phone status Disable, Enable. Now we take enable as an example.

  • There are four cases of forward rule for Calls.

1) If enabled call forward, fusionpbx phone system will forward the call to the extension which you have chosen.

  1. If I am busy , fusionpbx phone system will forward calls to the extension which you have chosen.

  1. If my phone is not registered, fusionpbx phone system will forward calls to the extension which you have chosen.

4) If I do not answer calls within seconds, fusionpbx phone system will forward the call to the extension which you have chosen.

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