Htek Provision Tool Quick Guide

Htek Provision Tool Quick Guide

1 Brief Intro

Htek Provision Tool (HPT) is a software used on windows os to manage HTEK phones. It is well designed to make provision Htek phones conveniently and easily by providing many useful functions, such as configuration file (cfg file) visual edit, cfg files batching, online devices discovery, manual provision, PNP, cfg file server, firmware server, etc. It is a complete tool to provision Htek phone in the same network segment in the LAN.

2 Operating Environment


Windows 7 and later versions


Minimum: 1280 X 800 pixels


The computer running the software needs to be in the same network segment of the same area as the phone to be provisioned

3 Pages Introduction

3.1 Visual edit (Phone Configuration page)

The configuration of the phone can be specifically edited in this page. Most of the configurable items can be found in this page.

3.2 Configuration files batching (Cfg Batch page)

On this page you can batch generating cfg files by importing an appropriate CSV file.

3.3 Device discovery and manual provision (Devices Online page)

HPT will list all the online Htek Phones in the selected network segment after scanning on this page. By right click, you can provision more than one phone at the same time.

3.3.1 Discover Devices

Before starting to discover the devices, you should set the target network.

Normally the target network is the same LAN as the computer that the HPT running in, so you could select the IP address of the computer from the "Network" drop-list.

But you could set a subnet you want to scan through "Subnet Mode". Introduction to the function of scanning DSP information.

This function is to scan out the DSP version of the phone to distinguish which hardware platform the phone belongs to.


DSP column display information comparison:


Before using the DSP function, please click Discover Devices to scan the device. After scanning the device, click DSP ANALYING to obtain the device DSP information.
If the phone's username and password are modified under this network segment (that is, not the default admin:admin), please fill in the modified ones, and the scan analysis program will use the username and password entered by the user to try to obtain it after running.
Because the user name and password are incorrect or the device does not support the acquisition, the acquisition may fail. After scanning, NA will be displayed. Please carefully check whether the user name and password are entered incorrectly.

After each use of Discover Devices, the Dsp column will be refreshed, and you need to click DSP ANALYING to re-acquire. During the acquisition process, the button style will change to [DSP ANALYING...]. After the acquisition is successful and displayed, it will return to its original state.
This function is based on HTTP request. Before using it, please open the phone web page to set Network->Advanced→Web Server→Type and select the HTTP item, otherwise it will cause access failure and the DSP information cannot be obtained.

3.4 Device Manage

On this page, you can view the status of your phones and execute commands like provision, download configuration files, etc.

3.4.1 Precondition

  1. The version of the phone should be later than

  2. The phone should be configured DM (Devices Manage) Server Address

      P-code is P25107, the value should be the DM Server Address, like P25107=

You could configure this P-code for your phones by HPT.

When generating configuration files, select Autofill DM Server Path to generate it into configuration files automatically.

3.4.2 Configure DM Server and Running

DM Server needs a port to run. You should set it before you run it.

If DM Server starts successfully, it will show green Running on the top of HPT.

And it is recommended to enable Refresh(min) to let the HPT refresh status of phones automatically.

If a phone has not reported its status 3 times, HPT will mark it as offline and you will see the ONLINE status is OFF.

3.4.3 Import Devices

Before using the Devices Manage feature, it is needed to import devices information.

You could import it through a CSV file in UTF-8 format.

You will find a sample file named devices.csv in the folder samples of the HPT file tree.

In the CSV file, you will see these columns.

  • MAC: MAC address of phones, and they should be all capital like 001FC112D0FE

  • DEV_NAME: A name that helps remember the phone, such as the name of the person who uses it.

  • STATION: Which station the phone belongs to, such as the London branch office.

  • SEC_ACC: The username of the phone's web (OPTIONAL).

  • SEC_PW: The password of the phone's web (OPTIONAL).

If you left the SEC_ACC and SEC_PW empty, those features like download configuration files will not work.

There is a screenshot of the sample CSV file for a fast view.

And before importing the device's information, it is better to set a PIN for protecting the SEC_ACC and SEC_PW data.

If someone gets your database file, they can't send a command to your phones if they don't know the PIN.

After the below steps, click the Import button to import the devices' information.

3.4.4 View Devices Information

After devices' information is imported, these phones will display by the STATION.

MAC: MAC address of the phone, it is unique and can't be changed.

DEV_NAME: A name that helps remember the phone, right-click and select Edit to modify it.

IP: IP address of the phone, it is reported by the phone.

ONLINE: ON when the phone connects to the DM server and OFF when the phone has not reported its status three times.

ACCOUNT: Number of account 1 of the phone, it is reported by the phone.

REG: Registration of Account 1, it is reported by the phone.

DND: DND status, it is reported by the phone.

FWD: Forward status, it is reported by the phone.

MODEL: Phone model, it is reported by the phone.

VERSION: Firmware version, it is reported by the phone.

On Devices Information page, you could turn pages by clicking the < or > button. Or you could input a page number to jump to.

And you could search a station through the left sidebar

3.4.5 Station Status

The Station area will show the status of the current selected station.

The green number shows the number of phones that are online and have registered account.

The red number shows the number of phones that are online but don't have registered account.

The gray number shows the number of phones that are offline.

Click the Provision button to provision the phones that belong to the Station.

3.4.6 Device Search

You could search device through the Search area.

These entries need exact match to search: MAC, DEVICE_NAME, IP, ACCOUNT, MODEL, VERSION

And these entries need yes/no, on/off, 1/0 to search: ONLINE, REG, DND

FWD is a special one, it uses forward number and forward method to search. And it has three status: ALL_CF → Always Forward, BUSY_CF → Busy Forward, DELAY_CF → No Answer Forward. Below image is an example:

3.4.7 Right-click Menu

Select a device and right-click, then you will see a menu below:

If the device is OFFLINE, most of the items in the menu are grayed out and that means it is unavailable. 

Provision: Provision configurations. The phone should enable PnP and the HTTP server of HPT should be set.

Upgrade: Upgrade firmware. The phone should enable PnP and the HTTP server of HPT should be set.

If the HTTP server of HPT has not set, it will prompt the following notification.

Refresh: Refresh the ONLINE status of the selected phone.

Download CFG: Download bin format configuration file of the phone. You should set the user name and password of the phone when you import it.

Download CFG (XML): Download bin format configuration file of the phone. You should set the user name and password of the phone when you import it.

Download LOG: Download syslog of the phone. You should set the user name and password of the phone when you import it. And it will take a few seconds to done it.

Pcap: This option will try to jump to the webpage of the phone to start capture the network packages. It needs set the full Web Browser exe file path.

Reboot: Reboot the phone.

Edit: Edit the device information.

3.4.8 Shortcut for Access Phone Webpage

If you have set the Web Browser exe file path, then when you press Ctrl and click the IP address of the device, the HPT will help you open the web browser to login to the phone.

3.5 HTTP and PNP servers (Servers/Setting page)

On this page, you can turn on an HTTP server and use it as a configuration file server and/or firmware server. Also you can turn on the PNP server to automatically provision phones.
You can also change HPT user interface language and log setting on this page.

3.5.1 HTTP Server Built-in Server  

  • Select Built-in Server and Click Start to start the built-in HTTP Server

  External Server

  • Select External Server and Cfg Server Path fill in the server path where the configuration is stored

4. Quick Use 

4.1How to provision the phone through HPT?

NOTE: All operations shown below are proceed in "Mac Mode". "Pin Mode" is not supported right now.

Step 1. Open servers

In general, to fully use all of the capabilities of this tool, you need to configure and start relevant servers first (Skip this step only when you just want to edit cfg files ).

  • Switch pages to "Servers".

  • Select the right network interface, which can be accessed by other devices on the same network segment.

NOTE: For HTTP servers, you can choose build-in or external one.PNP server cannot be turned on until you selected the external HTTP server or started built-in HTTP server.

  • To start build-in HTTP server, you need to fill in the port edit area with appropriate port, and then click "Start" to run. If the port is not available, it needs to be modified.

  • While choosing external Server, you need to fill in a configuration file server address (  ), such as "" (without "/" at the end). Make sure that this path is accessible.

  • Start PNP server. For the Htek phones, fill "Listen to" box with "" and fill "Port" box with "5060". Do Not Change These Two Parameters If You Do Not Know What These Mean.

NOTE: Step 2 ~Step 5 can be skipped if cfg files already generated.

Step 2. Select Device

Click the drop-down box to select the device for visual editing.

Step 3(Optional). Load the configuration file template

By default, the software automatically selects the default cfg file of the current device (Default cfg file of a device is in the device directory, named as "$devCfg.bin").
You can also click "Load a Template" button to load a bin format cfg file as template. After loading, loaded cfg file will automatically rewrite the information in the Phone Configuration page.
 After edit the contents of the Phone Configuration page, the "Save" button will be available. By clicking "Save" button, loaded cfg file will be modified. By clicking "Save as" button, you can save the current modification as another file without modifying the loaded file. Or just let them alone.

Step 4. Visual edit

Switch to "Phone Configuration" page.
This page is divided to 3 areas. Left area shows the phone image, keys that can be set can be clicked. Middle area is the outline of all the configurable items. Right area shows details where you edit the exact configuration here.

In the process of editing, the software will automatically remember changes, so you can switch directly among the outline items. All the changes are kept temporally. You can click "Save" or "Save as" button to save these changes. Or let them alone.

Step 5.Bulk generate configuration files

Switch pages to "Cfg Batch" page.

(1) Prepare a CSV file, which can be opened and made with a text editor or Excel (the template is in the samples folder of the HPT tool);

(2)HPT can batch generate cfg files in a Keyword-replace manner.
In MAC mode, the first column must be "MAC" column, where only MAC addresses allowed in the form like "001fc1aabbcc" (lowercase).
"Keyword-replace" means to replace the item content (P value) by the exact keyword . To do this, the item to be replaced need to set its content (P value) to a unique string, such as "$$userId_1". If the CSV file contained a column whose head is just "$$userId_1", then all cfg files generated will substitute "$$userId_1" with the string in the cell of the column (specific row is determined by the MAC column).

  • Prepare a CSV file (Sample path: \samples\MacModeSample.csv. Two rows at least needed. ).

  • Make sure you have fill the right items with the right keywords in step 4.

  • Click "Load CSV File" to load CSV file. All the content will be shown on the table.

NOTE: For many CSV editor, opened file is exclusively occupied. You need to close this file first, than load it with HPT.

  • Modified csv file if need. You can add rows, edit content or save this table as another file.

  • Choose to encrypt the generate files or not.

  • If built-in HTTP server started, you can check "Autofill Server Path" to autofill the cfg server path and firmware server path.

  • Click "Batch" to generate cfg files and save them in the desired directory, or click "Batch to Buit-in Server" to generate and store them in the built-in HTTP server file directory (\server\htdocs\cfg and \server\htdocs\fw).

In the following example, we want to change the value of the LineKey_value and LineKey_label, so we set them to the variables $$userId_1, $$authenId_1 respectively, and fill in these two variables in the visual editing page of the HPT tool and the csv file to be imported.

Step 6.Search and provision online devices

Switch pages to "Devices Online".
On this page, you can search for devices on the same network segment within the LAN and provision them.

  • Select the right network interface, which can be accessed by other devices on the same network segment.

  • Select a Mac address filter or input one (Input filter format: 00-1f, 00-1f -, 00-1f - c, 00-1f - c1-11-22 - , etc.).

  • Click "Discover Devices" to start search. When the desired content has been found, click this button to end search, or wait for it to end on its own.


The results of the search are presented as shown in the table above.The head can be used for the screening of device model and version number.
Click the most left num column, you can select a device, or you can select multiple devices by hold pressing left mouse key and dragging. Click the top left corner of the form to select all the devices of the current table. Left-click on the selected device, which will cancel the selection.
Right click, quick menu will pop up. There are three commands:

  • "Provision": This command ask phones to fetch cfg file from the HTTP server where you defined on Page "Servers".

  • "Upgrade": Same as "Provision" on current HPT version.

  • "Refresh" : Check if the phones selected are still online.

All the selected phones will execute the command.

Step 7.Upgrade online devices

First, switch pages to "Cfg Batch".

(1)You must fill in the FW Server Path, if you are using a built-in server, you can fill in such as "" (without "/" at the end), replace the underlined part with your own Server.



(2)You need  to put ROM Firmware under the fw folder.

Secondly,  switch pages to "Devices Online".

Same as in Step 6. Search and provision , first scan and search for phones, and then select them to upgrade.

Files Hierarchy

 The files hierarchy of the software is shown in the figure (only the folder type is displayed).
The root directory of the software folder has "default", "ini", "log","models", "samples" and "server".
The "log" folder shows once you run this app. It stores log files.
The "default" folder contains the "$json" folder and the "$cfg.bin" file. When the "models" folder is empty, the software reads the files in that folder. Do not delete.
There is currently "$default.ini" configuration file in the "ini" folder, which holds the default configuration of the software. After the software is turned off for the first time, the "setting.ini" file will be generated in this folder. If the user does not modify the configuration, the file will be consistent with the "$default.ini" file, otherwise changes will be stored in this file. The "$default.ini" file cannot be deleted. Deleting "setting.ini" will restore the software to the default configuration.
The "models" folder contains information about different devices. By adding and subtracting and updating this folder, you can add or subtract or update device information. You can't rename the folder at will, which will cause the image to be invalid.
The samples folder currently has a CSV template for batch generation configuration files. This folder is not required.
The "server" folder contains the "htdocs" folder, which contains the "cfg" (for cfg files store) and "fw"(for firmware files store) folders. Built-in HTTP server need these folders.


  1. Why cannot PNP server be started?
    Usually this is because of port occupied. For example, 3CX server exclusively occupies port 5060. You should not use HPT on this PC, or shut down 3CX services.

  2. Provision command make phone reboot, but why doesn't phone configuration change?
    This can be caused by many reasons. 1. Check if the cfg file name is right (Just like "cfg001fc1112233"). 2. Check if the cfg server path is right. 3. Check if there is any router in the LAN has DHCP OPTION-66 defined. 4. Check if there is any other PNP server in the LAN.

  3. Why the table is empty when I load a CSV file?
    For many CSV editor, opened file is exclusively occupied. You need to close this file first, than load it with HPT.

  4. Why doesn't Provision command work on 926E in WIFI environment?
    Sorry, current version of HPT doesn't work well when phones in WIFI environment. We are working on this issue. 

Upgrade Note

2021-12-08: 1.4.2beta

Support sorting in Devices Manage page.

2021-10-29: 1.4.0beta

Add Devices Manage module.

2020-10-12: 1.3.5beta

  1. Add Scan Timeout for discovering devices

  2. Add Subnet Mode for scanning the specific subnet

  3. Add a shortcut for accessing webpage of device: Ctrl + Click on the IP Address in the Scan Result page.


2018-01-17: 1.2beta

  1. Fix the bug that provisioning phones with built-in HTTP server failed;

  2. Fix the bug that "Discover Devices" failed to reset;

  3. Add log mechanism;

  4. Other fixes and changes.

2017-09-26: 1.1beta

  1. Support multi-language user interface;

  2. Improve stability of built-in HTTP server.

2017-09-07: 1.0betaHPT first release.

HPT_Quick_Guide 1.3.5beta.pdf

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