Htek XML API for RPS

Htek XML API for RPS


The API of RPS is built as standard XML-RPC services. Two ways are possible to access the interface:

  1. You can use XML-RPC libraries available on the internet.

  2. You can send XML commands specified further down via HTTP POST using Content-Type:text/xml.

  3. TLS/SSL is used to encrypt the communications between client and server.

  4. User authentication is done via basic authentication using username and password.


Service Port

The XML-RPC RPS service can be accessed at:


User Accounts

In order to access the RPS, you need to have a valid account that you can apply for from

Htek or our local distributors.


Available XML-RPC Commands

1. redirect.registerDevice

You can redirect a specific device to a different configuration server by its MAC ID.

1.1 XML-RPC signature


1.2 Parameter

mac: MAC address you want to register to RPS

serverName: The server name you already added to RPS which the device should be redirected to

Result code: True, False

Result text:

(1) OK: If the MAC address has been registered successfully to a specific server.

(2) Errors:

Invalid MAC(s): mac → Invalid format of MAC address

Existing MAC(s): mac → The MAC address has been registered by yourself.

Error: Invalid server → Invalid server name

Are you sure you want to override MAC addresses: The MAC address has been registered by another RPS user. If you want to override it, please see more details on section 2 - redirect.registerDevice(isoverride).

1.4 Request

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <methodCall> <methodName>redirect.registerDevice</methodName> <params> <param> <value> <string><![CDATA[001fc1000001]]></string> </value> </param> <param> <value> <string><![CDATA[serverName]]></string> </value> </param> </params> </methodCall>


  1. ”<![CDATA[ ]]>” is not necessary, but with it, you can enter special characters, such as “&,$,#,@,<,>” and so on.

  2. Four types of valid MAC address format are 001fc1000001, 00-1f-c1-00-00-01, 00 1f c1 00 00 01, 00:1f:c1:00:00:00:01.

1.5 Answer

1.5.1 Positive Answer

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <methodResponse xmlns:ex="http://ws.apache.org/xmlrpc/namespaces/extensions"> <params> <param> <value> <array> <data> <value> <boolean>1</boolean> </value> <value>OK</value> </data> </array> </value> </param> </params> </methodResponse>

1.5.2 Negative Answer

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <methodResponse xmlns:ex="http://ws.apache.org/xmlrpc/namespaces/extensions"> <params> <param> <value> <array> <data> <value> <boolean>0</boolean> </value> <value>Error:Invalid MAC(s):00s1122334400</value> </data> </array> </value> </param> </params> </methodResponse>

2. redirect.registerDevice(isoverride)

If the MAC address you are registering has been registered by another RPS user, you can confirm whether to override the previous registration by isOverride parameter.

2.1 XML-RPC signature


2.2 Parameter

mac: MAC address you want to register to RPS.

serverName: The server name you already added to RPS which the device should be redirected.

isOverride: Confirm whether to override the previous registration or not.

  • 1: Override confirmation

  • 0: Cancel registration

2.3 Return values

Result code: True, False

Result text:

(1) OK: If the MAC address has been registered successfully to a specific server.

(2) Errors:

Invalid MAC(s): mac → Invalid format of MAC address

Existing MAC(s): mac → The MAC address has been registered by yourself.

Error: Invalid server → Invalid server name

Only 0 or 1 can be used:1 to override, 0 to cancel → Invalid isOverride value

MAC address(es) overriding failed → Failed to override the previous MAC address

2.4 Request

2.5 Answer

2.5.1 Positive Answer

2.5.2 Negative Answer

3 redirect.deRegisterDevice

You can remove a specific device from RPS by deregistering its MAC address.

3.1 XML-RPC signature


3.2 Parameter

mac: MAC address you would like to remove from RPS

3.3 Return values

Result code: True, False

Result text:

(1) OK: If the MAC address has been deregistered successfully.

(2) Error:

Invalid MAC(s): mac → Invalid

3.4 Request

3.5 Answer

3.5.1 Positive Answer

3.5.2 Negative Answer

4 redirect.listDevices

You can list all the devices(MACs) that you have already registered.

4.1 XML-RPC signature


4.2 Return values

Result code: True, False

Result text:

(1) OK:

(2) Error:

No devices found → No registered devices found

4.3 Request

4.4 Answer

4.4.1 Filled Answer

4.4.2 Empty Answer

5 redirect.checkDevice

You can check if a device(MACs) is registered to RPS.

5.1 XML-RPC signature


5.2 Parameter

mac: MAC address you want to check.

5.3 Return values

Result code: True, False

Result text:

(1) OK:

Unregistered → Not assigned to a specific server.

Registered → MAC has been assigned to a specific server.

Registered Elsewhere → MAC has been registered by another RPS user.

Unknown → MAC has not been added to RPS.

(2) Error:

Invalid MAC → Invalid format of MAC address.

5.4 Request

5.5 Answer

5.5.1 Positive Answer

5.5.2 Negative Answer

6 redirect.registerDevices

You can register a list of devices to a different configuration server by MAC IDs.

6.1 XML-RPC signature


6.2 Parameter

mac: MAC address you want to register to RPS.

serverName: The server name you already added to RPS which the device should be redirected.

6.3 Return values

Result code: True, False

Result text:

(1) OK: If the MAC address has been registered successfully to a specific server.

(2) Errors:

Invalid MAC(s):mac → Invalid format of MAC address

Existing MAC(s):mac → The MAC address has been registered by yourself.

Error:Invalid server → Invalid server name

Are you sure you want to override MAC addresses → The MAC address has been registered by another RPS user. If you want to override it, please see more details on section 7 - redirect.registerDevices(isoverride).

6.4 Request

6.5 Answer

6.5.1 Positive Answer

6.5.2 Negative Answer

7 redirect.registerDevices(isoverride)

If the MAC addresses you are registering have been registered by other RPS users, you can confirm whether to override the previous registrations by isOverride parameter.

7.1 XML-RPC signature


7.2 Parameter

macList: MAC addresses you want to register to RPS.

serverName: The server name you already added to RPS which the device should be redirected to.

isOverride: Confirm whether to override the previous registration or not.

  • 1: Override confirmation

  • 0: Cancel registration

7.3 Return values

Result code: True, False

Result text:

(1) OK: If the MAC address has been registered successfully to a specific server.

(2) Errors:

Invalid MAC(s):mac → Invalid format of MAC address

Existing MAC(s):mac → The MAC address has been registered by yourself.

Error:Invalid server → Invalid server name

Only 0 or 1 can be used:1 to override, 0 to cancel → Invalid isOverride value

MAC address(es) overriding failed → Failed to override the previous MAC address

7.4 Request

7.5 Answer

7.5.1 Positive Answer

7.5.2 Negative Answer

8 redirect.deRegisterDevices

You can remove a list of s devices from RPS by deregistering these MAC addresses.

8.1 XML-RPC signature


8.2 Parameter

macList: MAC addresses you would like to remove from RPS

8.3 Return values

Result code: True, False

Result text:

(1) OK: If the MAC address has been deregistered successfully.

(2) Error:

Invalid MAC(s):mac → Invalid format of MAC address or the MAC address has not been registered by you.

8.4 Request

8.5 Answer

8.5.1 Positive Answer

8.5.2 Negative Answer

9 redirect.addServer

You can add a different configuration server which is used to redirected devices to.

9.1 XML-RPC signature


9.2 Parameter

serverName: The server name you already added to RPS which the device will be redirected to.

serverUrl: The specific URL of your configuration server.

9.3 Return values

Result code: True, False

2. Result text:

(1) OK: The server has been added successfully.

(2) Errors:

The url can only begin with 'http://' or 'https://' or 'ftp://' or 'tftp://' → Invalid format of URL

The server name cannot be empty. → The serverName should not be empty.

The server url cannot be empty → The serverUrl should not be empty.

The server name has been used → The serverName has been used.

The server name can only contain 'A-z 0-9 - _ . '(include space) → Invalid format of serverName.

9.4 Request:

9.5 Answer

9.5.1 Positive Answer

9.5.2 Negative Answer

10 redirect.editDevice

You can change the configuration server that the device(s) has registered to another server.

10.1 XML-RPC signature:


10.2 Parameter

mac: The MAC address you would like to edit.

serverName: The server name you would like to re-register the MAC to.

10.3 Return values

Result code: True, False

Result text:

(1) OK: If the MAC address has been registered successfully to a specific server.

(2) Errors:

Invalid MAC(s):mac → Invalid format of MAC address

Error:Invalid server → Invalid server name

The MAC is unknown → MAC has not been registered

Are you sure you want to override MAC addresses → The MAC address has been registered by another RPS user. If you want to override it, please see more details on section 11 - redirect.editDevice(isoverride).

10.4 Request

10.5 Answer

10.5.1 Positive Answer

10.5.2 Negative Answer

11 redirect.editDevice(isoverride)

If the MAC address you are registering has been registered by another RPS user, you can confirm whether to override the previous registration by isOverride parameter.

11.1 XML-RPC signature


11.2 Parameter

mac: The MAC address you would like to edit.

serverName: The server name you would like to re-register the MAC.

isOverride: Confirm whether to override the previous registration or not.

  • 1: Override confirmation

  • 0: Cancel registration

11.3 Return values

Result code: True, False

Result text:

(1) OK: If the MAC address has been registered successfully to a specific server.

(2) Errors:

Invalid MAC(s):mac → Invalid format of MAC address

The MAC is unknown → MAC has not been registered

Error:Invalid server → Invalid server name

Only 0 or 1 can be used:1 to override, 0 to cancel → Invalid isOverride value

MAC address(es) overriding failed → Failed to override the previous MAC address

11.4 Request

11.5 Answer

11.5.1 Positive Answer

11.5.2 Negative Answer