Info |
e.g. Assume Site B is a child site of A. and site A is a child site of test-R. And all of them have updated their own configuration templates. Like the workflow below, the template from Site B will overwrite the temporary cfg{MAC}.xml, which has updated by Site A, in step 4. |
Parameters Updated in the template of Site A | Parameters Updated in the template of Site B | In the final configuration file |
<P2525 para="Preference_WebLanguage">1</P2525> <P24771 para="Preference_LCDFontSizeControl">1</P24771> | <P2525 para="Preference_WebLanguage">0</P2525> <P8621 para="Preference_LcdLanguage">0</P8621> | <P2525 para="Preference_WebLanguage">0</P2525> <P8621 para="Preference_LcdLanguage">0</P8621> <P24771 para="Preference_LCDFontSizeControl">1</P24771> |
On the Page of Site Configuration
1 | The filter area of searching a site configuration. |
2 | There are three options to deal the site configurations in the list. |
Rescore the site configuration. | |
3 | The list of the site configuration you have added. |
You can push the site configuration template. | |