Site Configuration

Site Configuration

You can manage configurations of devices by customizing configuration templates and classifying them by site, in other word, Site ID.

You can manage sites in System Management → Site Management. Check this SECTION for more info about that.

Topics include:

The Strategy of Site Configuration

  • A site must have a parent site, except a root site. It can have a child site. There is always a root site by default in HDMS, like test-R in the below figure. Site B is a child site of site A. and site A is a child site of test-R(root site).

  • Devices will get the configuration file after auto provisioning. The final configuration file, sent to devices, is overwritten site by site. The configuration template of a child site will overwrite that from its parent.

e.g. Assume Site B is a child site of A. and site A is a child site of test-R. And all of them have updated their own configuration templates. Like the workflow below, the template from Site B will overwrite the temporary cfg{MAC}.xml, which has updated by Site A, in step 4.


Parameters Updated in the template of Site A

Parameters Updated in the template of Site B

In the final configuration file

<P2525 para="Preference_WebLanguage">1</P2525>

<P24771 para="Preference_LCDFontSizeControl">1</P24771>

<P2525 para="Preference_WebLanguage">0</P2525>

<P8621 para="Preference_LcdLanguage">0</P8621>

<P2525 para="Preference_WebLanguage">0</P2525>

<P8621 para="Preference_LcdLanguage">0</P8621>

<P24771 para="Preference_LCDFontSizeControl">1</P24771>

  • Meanwhile, the template of a site can only be pushed to the devices, which belongs to itself and its child sites. In other words, the devices belonging to its parent site cannot be pushed.

e.g. There are four site templates in the below figure.


The relations among them are


If a device belongs to Site A, the templates of Site A and Site B can be pushed to the device. The template of test_R and Site C cannot.

On the of Site Configuration




The filter area of searching a site configuration.


There are three options to deal the site configurations in the list.


Add or delete a site configuration.


Rescore the site configuration.


The list of the site configuration you have added.


You can update the site configuration template.


You can delete the site configuration template.


You can push the site configuration template.

  • View Params: View the changed parameters

  • Download

  • Config Text

  • Update

  • Restore Default

Add a Site Configuration Template

You can create a template based on site ID. Each site can only have one site template.


  1. Click Configuration Management -> Site Configuration.

  2. Click +Add button on the top left corner.

  3. Enter the site name and choose site. You can also add remark.



(Necessary & Unique)The name of the configuration.


(Necessary & Unique) Choose a site, which this configuration template belongs to.


You can make notes of the configuration here.

  1. Click Confirm button.

Update Parameters of a Site Configuration Template and Push

After you add a template of a site, you can update the parameters of a template in TWO ways:

  • by a template

  • by text

After that, you can push templates to devices.

Set Parameters by a Template

1.Click Configuration Management -> Site Configuration.

2.Click  on the right side of the template.

3.Check the box and enter the configuration parameters in the template.

e.g. You want to change the LCD Language to English. In the template, click Settings -> Preferences -> check the box of LCD Language -> choose English in the drop down menu -> Confirm.

  1. Click Confirm button. The popup will show the tips: Update the device configuration now?

  2. If you click Confirm, you can choose devices to provision. Then click Push To Update. If you click Cancel, the changes will be saved in the template.


Set Parameters by Text

  1. Click Configuration Management -> Site Configuration.

  2. Click   on the right side of the site configuration and choose Config Text.

  3. Enter the configuration parameters to be updated.

You can update any parameters supported by the device in the text setting parameters. The input text parameters must meet the standard format.

e.g. If you want to change the language of LCD of the device to English, in the Config text, you should type,

<P8621 para="Preference_LcdLanguage">0</P8621>

then click Confirm.


In Site Configuration, You can choose a template and click  image-20240710-071548.png -> View Params to check the changes. Like the figure below, the site template has changed.

  1. Click Confirm button. Please Choose Device page will pop-up. Check the boxes before devices, which you want to provision.

  1. Click Close button and the parameters will be saved. Or you can click Push To Update button to push the configuration to devices At Once or Timing.

Push a Site Configuration Template to Devices  

You can push a site template to devices depending on their site.

  1. Click Configuration Management -> Site Configuration.

  2. Click image-20240710-071936.png  on the right side of the site template.

  1. Select devices to be pushed.


4.Click Push To Update button.

5.Select the execution mode of push update in the pop-up box.

6.Click Confirm button.

Edit a Site Configuration Template

You can update the name and the site of a temple you have added in the list


1.Click Configuration Management -> Site Configuration.

2.Click   on the right side of the site configuration and choose Update.

3.Edit the name, site or remarks of the site configuration.


4.Click Confirm button.

View Updated Parameters in a Template

You can view the parameters you have updated in a template.


1.Click Configuration Management -> Site Configuration.

2.Click image-20240710-072239.png on the right side of a template and choose View Params. You can view the name, type and value of parameters you have updated.



The name of parameter you have updated in the template.


The place the parameter belongs to.


The value you have updated.

Download Site Configuration Templates

You can download the site configuration to the local to view the updated configuration of the model.

1.Click Configuration Management -> Site Configuration.

2.Click  image-20240710-072329.png  on the right side of the site configuration and choose Download.

Delete Site Configuration Templates

  1. Click Configuration Management -> Site Configuration.

  2. Delete one site configuration or more.

a)        Click  on the right of the site model you want to delete.

b)        Click Confirm button.


a)      Check the boxes of the templates you want to delete.

b)      Click Delete button.

c)       Click Confirm button.




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