Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


To register via Phone interface
1. Press Menu→ Settings→ Advanced Setting (default password: admin)→ Accounts
2. Select the desired account
3. Select Enable for Account active
4. Select the desired profile of the account.
5. Fill the SIP User ID, Authenticate ID
6. Fill the Password and Name (shown on LCD).
7. Press Save to save the configuration.
Image RemovedImage Added
If there is a port of sip server, you need to press "1" on the keypad, then you will find the ":".
Additional Information
When the current input method is ABC/abc/2ab,
Pressing "1", you will find "?"
Pressing "0", you will find "< > () {} []"
Pressing ""“*”, you will find "“*/"! @$"@$”
Pressing "#", you will find "#'%&*|"
To register via Web interface
1. Login webpage and Click Profile→ Basic
Image RemovedImage Added
2. Fill the Primary SIP Server and other profile information.
3. Select the SIP Transport.
4. Click Image RemovedImage Added to save the configuration.
5. Click Account→ Basic.
Image RemovedImage Added
6. Select Yes for Account Active.
7. Select the desired Profile.
8. Fill the SIP User ID, Authenticate ID, Authenticate Password and other account information.
9. Click Image RemovedImage Added to save the configuration.




1. Date & Time

It is the area that displays the current set date and time of the phone.

2. Notice

It is the area to display the phone's notifications such as missed calls, SMS, do not disturb mode and many more. For more info, see Icon Preview.

3. Line Keys

This area shows the line key labels. The current account is highlighted. you can switch the account by pressing right or left navigation key. The Line keys can also be used for other function keys. For more info, you can refer to Line Keys

4. Soft Key

This area shows the soft key labels. The default soft key labels are "History", "Directory", "DND" and "Menu". For more info, see Programmable Key

5. DSS Key

The Line keys can be used for other functions keys (e.g.: BLF)

6. Multipage Key

UC926 support 36 keys,you can configure different types.You can view and use these keys by pressing the multipage key.

7. Wallpaper

This shows the current wallpaper picture. You can also change it. For more info, you can refer to Wallpaper.


The hardware components keypad and LCD screen constitute the phone user interface, which allows the user to execute all call operation tasks and basic configuration changes directly on the phone. In addition, you can use the web user interface to access all configuration settings. In many instances, it is possible to use both the phone user interface and the web user interface to operate the phone and change settings. However, in some instances, it is only possible to use the phone or the web user interface.
Phone Interface Overview
















Call Forward

Function Keys (Line and Line Key setting)
More Key see Line Key Overview

Key as Send

Hot Line

Anonymous Call


History Setting




All Contacts

Local Contacts




Local History

Network CallLog



Voice Mail View and Set.

Text Message View and Set.

Basic Setting








Time & Date

Time & Date Format


Ring tone


Font Size

Advanced Setting






Phone Setting

Auto Provision





Display Mode








Factory Function

System Restart

Device Reboot

Pcap Feature

Line Key Function Overview


There are three types of screen saver: Time & Logo, Photo Switch and Static Photo.
Time & Logo: when the screensaver works, it will show Time and logo in turns.
Photo Switch: all screensaver pictures display one by one.
Static Photo: Only the selected picture will display as screensaver.
Text logo: It works with the Time & Logo, when enter the value, it will display the time and the entered value in turns.
To enable screen saver via Phone interface:
1. To press Menu → Display → Screensaver...
2. Press and or press Switch soft key to Choose the Time-out as 1 min or 2/5/10/30 minute.
3. Enter the Screensaver Type to choose one of the type: Backlight off, Time & Logo and Photo
4. Press or Save soft key to save the selected configuration.

To disable screen saver via Phone interface
1. To press Menu → Display → Screensaver...
2. Press and or press Switch soft key to Choose the Time-out as off.
3. Press or Save soft key to save the selected configuration.

To upload screen saver via Web interface:
1. Setting → Preference
2. Choose the picture wanted to use as screen saver
3. Click to save the upload picture

To delete upload screen saver phone via Web interface:
1. Setting → Preference
2. Select the photo that to delete.
3. Click Delete to delete the photo.

System Screen Photo (ScreenSaver1-ScreenSaver3) cannot be deleted and only color IP Phone support upload wallpaper.

To custom text logo via Web interface:
1. Click Setting→ Preference.
2. choose the Time-out as 1 min or 2/5/10/30 minute.
3. Enter the desired value in the Text Logo field.
4. Click to save the configuration.

To wake up screen saver via Web interface:
1. Setting → Preference
2. Choose Dial First Digit: Screensaver Wakes up or Screensaver Wakes up and Dial
3. Click to save the configuration.


To import or export the contact list
You can manage your phone's local directory via phone or web user interface. But you can only import or export the contact list via Web interface.
To import an XML file of contact list via Web interface:
1. Click on Directory → Directory
2. Click Choose file to select a contact list file (file format must be .xml) from your local system.
3. Click Import XML to import the contact list.
To export an XML file of contact list via Web interface:
1. Click on Directory → Directory
2. Click Export XML to import the contact list.
To import a CSV file of contact list via Web interface:
1. Click on Directory → Directory
2. Click Choose file to select a contact list file (file format must be .csv) from your local system.
3. Click Import Csv to import the contact list.
To export a CSV file of contact list via Web interface:
1. Click on Directory → Directory
2. Click Export Csv to import the contact list.

If the xml file and CSV file more than 1000 contacts, the phone will only upload 1000 contacts.

Remote Phonebook

To set Remote Phonebook via Web interface:
1. Login the webpage and click Directory→ Remote Phone Book
2. Fill the path of the remote file in the Phone Book URL field. For example,
3. Fill the Name and then click to save the configuration.

To check the contacts via Phone interface:
Press Directory→ Left Button→ Left Button, and then you can see the item you set, press enter you will find the detail.
For More detail, please refer to: Remote Phonebook.


You can adjust the type and volume of the ring tone.
To adjust the Ring Tone Type via Phone interface:
1. Press Menu → Settings → Basic Settings → Ring Tone.
2. Press and to select the aimed one.
3. Press or Save soft key to save the configuration.

To adjust the Ring Tone Type via Web interface
1. Setting → Preference → Ring Tone
2. Select the wanted one
3. Click to save the configuration.

To configure Distinctive Ring Tone via Phone interface
1. Press Directory
2. Select the target contact
3. Press Detail soft key to edit the contact.
4. Press and to select the wanted Ring Tone for the contact
5. Press Save soft key to save the contact.

To configure Distinctive Ring Tone via Web interface
1. Directory → Directory → Contact
2. Choose the Ring Tone you want to use.
3. Click to save the configuration.

Click Ring Tones for more information.



To configure dial plan via Web interface:
1. Click Account—Advanced—Dial Plan.
2. Filled the value in dial plan field.
3. Click to save the configuration.

Illegal input will fall back to default: {[x*]+}. For More, please refer to Dial Plan.

Dial-Now Timeout

Dial-Now Timeout means that when you enter the number which is matching with dial plan, it will dial out automatically after some time when you stop entering the number.
To configure Dial-Now Timeout via Web interface:
1. Click Webpage Setting → Preference
2. Fill the blank of Dial-Now Timeout: for example, 5(seconds). (0 means dial out immediately).
3. Click the button to save the configuration


To configure action URL via Web interface:
1. Click Setting→ Action URL
2. Fill the needed values in the designated blank spaces.
3. Click to save the setting.
Click Action URL & URI for more how to use, or check on


Semi-Attended Transfer
1. Press or Transfer soft key during the conversation, the call is on hold now.
2. Enter the number transfer to, and then press or , then you can hear the ring tone.
3. Press or the Transfer soft key, and now the Semi-attended transfer completed.
BLF Transfer
1. Set a Programmable Key or line key is set as BLF. For how to set BLF, please refer to BLF
2. Press or Transfer soft key during the conversation, the call is on hold now.
3. Press BLF key then realize blind, attended and Semi-Attended Transfer.
Hold transfer on hook:
1. Setting → Features → Transfer Setting: Hold Transfer On Hook: ON.
2. A place a call to B, B answer, A press the hold soft key and place a call to C, A cancel the call when C is ringing or answering, then C and B in the same call and the transfer is successful.

Hold transfer on Three Way conference:
1. Setting →Preference → Three Way Call Release Type: Transfer.
2. A place a call to B, B answer, A place a call to C again, C answer, A press the conference then A, B and C will establish meeting.
3. A press the End Call soft key or on-hook to exit the meeting in the process of talking.
4. Then B and C will continue to talk.

Transfer to New Call via Web interface
1. Click Setting → Features
2. Select Transfer Mode via DSS key → New Call
3. Select the desired Line Key and select Transfer in the Type.
4. Enter the phone number in the Value field.

NOTE: if
If the person that wanted to be spoken to do not want to answer the call, then the person that answered the coming call could use this function.


You can use this key feature to access the Xml browser quickly. The Xml browser allows you to create custom services which meet your functional requirements on the server. You can customize practical applications, such as weather report, stock information, Google search, etc.
To configure the XML Browser via Phone interface
1. Press Menu →Features →Function Keys →Line Keys as Function Keys → Line Key2(for example)
2. Press and key to select the XML Browser in the Type field.
3. Filled the access URL for xml browser
4. Press or Save soft key to save the configuration
To configure the XML Browser via Web interface
1. Click Function Keys → Line Key.
2. Select the desired Key and select xml browser in the Type.
3. Filled the access URL for xml browser (e.g.:
4. Click button to save the configuration.


  • Click Setting→ Tones
  • Define the dial tone, ringing, busy tone…
  • For the tones, you can check with your system administrator.
  • For More Click Configure Ring Tones.

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