RPS User Guide

RPS User Guide

Logging into the RPS

The Web UI URL is https://rps.htek.com. First of all, a User must be assigned a Username and Password by the htek distributor, and then use these credentials to login the RPS.

To login the RPS Web UI

  1. Type the web URL in your browser, and the login page displays as follow:

  2. Enter the Username and Password provided by hanlong distributor, then type the Captcha, click on Login in, the main page displays as follow:


a. If you forget your username and password, please contact Htek distributor in your region for Assistance.

b. For security, you will logout automatically after you stay inactive for 10 minutes.

Adding Servers

Add your custom URL of the server

The server must be added to the RPS by entering a name and a URL.
To add a configuration server to the RPS:

  1. On the server Manager page, click Add server on the top shortcut-buttons as follow:

    Then Add server page displays as follow:

  2. In the Name field, enter the name that must be less than 128 characters.
  3. In the URL field, enter the exact server address that must be less than 128 characters.
    Four types of URL are supported: http/https/ftp/tftp
  4. Click SUBMIT button to add the server to the RPS.
  5. After adding server successfully, Server page displays as Figure 2.3. The server you just added will display in the top of the list.

How to configure your server authenticate

If your server enable the identify authentication, you need configure your useful username and password in your server URL.
The format is http://username:passwd@FQDN/path , for example, the username is test, and password is admin, the server domain is www.htek.com and the file path is under folder /config, so the full URL should be: http://test:admin@www.htek.com/config, this rule also applies to FTP.

Adding your device

ADD device one by one

  1. On the summary page, click Add Device on the top shortcut-buttons, then Add Device dialog displays as follow:

    In the enter mac field, enter a valid MAC address and click on <ADD>, In this way, you can add multiple MAC addresses one by one.
    a. Four types of valid MAC address formats are 001fc11a0001,00-1f-c1-1a-00-01,00 1f c1 1a 00 01, 00:1f:c1:1a:00:01
    b. "Mac is invalid" notification means that the MAC address format is invalid.
    Each MAC address can only be added one time by the one user. If you want to re-add the MAC address, you should delete it and then add it.
    c. Make sure the MAC address is correct, because if the MAC you have added, other user can not add it again.

  2. In the MAC list field, you can delete or clear the incorrect MAC address.
  3. In the Server field, you can select the server belonging to you.
    The Server field can be None.
  4. Click SUBMIT button to add these MAC address.
  5. After adding devices successfully, Devices page displays as follow, and the MAC addresses you just added will display in the top of the list.

Mass adding devices by uploading a Comma- Separated Value(CSV) File

Through this feature, you can add a large number of MAC addresses at one time. You can save these devices' MAC addresses in a .csv or *.xls,.xlsx file on your PC, and then upload it to the RPS.

  1. Open a new document using a spreadsheet application(i.e., Microsoft Excel™)
  2. In the first column, enter the MAC address of the devices you want to add to the RPS. One example is shown as follow:
    a. You must type the MAC addresses in the first column. Other columns will be ignored.
    b. 00-1f-c1-1a-00-01 format is recommended. In addition, 001fc11a0001,00 1f c1 1a 00 01, 00:1f:c1:1a:00:0a are also supported.(001fc11a0001 format is not available in *.csv file, because the "00" in the beginning will cause incompatibility problem.)

  3. On the device manager page, click Upload on the top menu, then Devices page displays as follow:
  4. Choose the file you want to upload in your PC.
  5. Choose a server you want to redirect.
    Note: The server field can be None.
  6. Click SUBMIT button to add these MAC addresses.
  7. After adding devices successfully, Devices page displays, and the MAC addresses you just added will display in the top of the list.

To Manage your Account

  1. Click Edit button on the top-right menu, edit page displays as follow:
  2. You can edit your Password, Mobile, Telephone, Email, Address.
  3. Finally, click SUBMIT to save your change.

To log out from RPS

Click Logout button on the top-right menu, login interface displays as follow:

To view your summary information

  1. Click information on the left menu, information page displays as follow:
  2. You can know the count of Servers added by you, the count of Devices you own.

To manage your Devices

  1. Click Devices on the left menu, Devices page displays as follow:

    Note: The devices you can see are the devices that you have added to the RPS.
  2. On the Devices page, you can manage your devices through the following operation:
    Add Device: Please see "Adding device" part
    Edit Device: Just click the edit icon. The Edit Device page displays as follow:
    Delete Devices: Click the Delete button on behind the edit icon. Or click the checkbox beside the MAC address and then choose the Delete under the MAC list finally click submit.
    Deleting a device cannot be undone. After the device is deleted, the association with the server will be removed, but you can re-add it to the RPS anytime.
    View Devices: devices are sorted in descending order by modification date.
    Search Devices: You can search the device according to Server or MAC.

To manage your servers

  1. Click Servers on the left menu. Servers' page displays as follow:
  2. On the Servers page, you can manage your devices through the following operation:
    Add a Server: Please see "Adding server" part
    Edit a Server: Just click the Edit icon. The Edit Server page displays as follow:

    Search Server: You can search server according to URL or server name.
    Delete Server: Click the checkbox beside the user name and then choose Delete under the list and click submit. Or click the delete icon directly.
    Deleting a server cannot be undone. After the server is deleted, those devices associated with the server will be removed from the RPS.

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