Upgrading Firmware of UC46

Htek UC46 Expansion Module upgrades in an indirect mode. First, the IP Phone that connects with expansion module upgrades the expansion module firmware, then the expansion module upgrades via getting fw46.rom file from the phone. For detailed schedule, please see the instructions below.

1. IP Phone upgrades the expansion module firmware

Before upgrading the expansion module, please make sure your IP Phone could upgrade the expansion module firmware (we suggest your IP Phone's firmware version running or later). The instructions for upgrading the expansion module firmware on your phone are as follows:
(1) First enable "Upgrade EXP Firmware" option from Management->Auto Provision-> Upgrade EXP Firmware

  • If set this option to Yes, the IP Phone will get fw46.rom file after rebooting IP Phone
  • If set this option to NO, the IP Phone will not get fw46.rom file.

(2) Put the fw46.rom file into the upgrade server path. You can upgrade by TFTP/HTTP/HTTPS/FTP.
(3) Set the server path at Webpage->Management->Auto Provision->Firmware Server Path.
(4) After you upgrade by TFTP/HTTP/HTTPS/FTP, please log on Webpage->Home->Expansion Module Version to check whether the expansion module firmware has been upgraded successfully. See the picture below:

2. Expansion module gets the fw46.rom from IP Phone

(1) Before connecting the expansion module, please log on Webpage->Network->Basic->PC Port, choose "Connect to Expansion Module", and then click "SaveSet". See the picture below. Or Menu->Setting->Advanced Setting >Network>PC port ->Connect to module on Phone LCD.
(2) Connect Phone's PC port and UC46's Uplink port with Ethernet cable.
(3) Power up UC46 expansion module, then UC46 would automatically get the expansion module firmware from the phone, and automatically restart to finish the upgrade.
(4) After upgrading, please check whether the firmware shown on the phone status is same as the firmware shown on the Webpage. If it is same, it means that the firmware has been upgraded successfully. See the picture below for reference.
(5) If the expansion module firmware does not upgrade successfully, please restart the expansion module to upgrade the firmware again.
1. Only Color models, UC840P/860P/842/862/923/924/926 could connect to UC46 expansion module.
2. Please connect one expansion module with one phone for upgrade.
3. Please do not power off the phone during the upgrade. Otherwise it may cause damage to the phone and expansion module.

3. How to configure EXP Key:

(1) Browser the IP Phone's webpage, Function Key?EXP Key:
(2) Select the desired Expansion(e.g. Expansion 1)
(3) Configure the key's type from the pull-down list, enter the extension in the Value field and enter the shown label.
If you configure BLF type, you can enter the Pickup code. When monitored extension is ringing, you can click this key to answer the incoming call.
Please see the screen shot:
This feature is not available on all servers. For more information, contact your system administrator.