Htek UCV series phones - Android SDK Guide

Htek UCV series phones - Android SDK Guide

Change History

  • May 15, 2024

Update application building steps.

Update component introduction.

Add demo and library download link.

  • Oct 30, 2023

Update the Key Events chapter

1. Introduction

Htek UCV series phone is developed on the platform. This guide introduce the Htek's Android SDK to help the developers use the APIs.

1.1 Supported Models




UCV10 series or higher


UCV20 series or higher


UCV50 series or higher


UCV52 series or higher


UCV53 series or higher



2. Application Building

Here is the necessary steps to build the application with Htek Android SDK.

2.1 Put libraries under directory app/libs


2.2 Add dependence in build.gradle

dependencies { ...... implementation(files("libs/hlvoipCfg-release.aar")) implementation(files("libs/hlvoipCall-release.aar")) implementation(files("libs/hlBth.jar")) compileOnly(files('libs/hlsys.jar')) ...... }

2.3 Add API key in AndroidManifest.xml

To get an API key, please follow Request an API Key

<manifest xxxx> <application ... <meta-data android:name="api_key" android:value="/{api_key}" /> </application> </manifest xxxx>/>

3 Component Introduction

The VoIP API refers to a set of interfaces for developing applications based on Htek Android phones.

3.1 hlsys.jar

Provide support for Scene system, audio control, key event, LED control and USB headset control.

Refer to:

3.2 hlBth.jar

Provide support for Htek BT handset.

3.3 hlVoipCfg

Used to get and set the configurations of Htek VoIP

import com.htek.cfg.utils.CfgUtils; //Get and set configurations //[xxxx] is of Int, String, Float, Double CfgUtils.getCfg[xxxx]Value() CfgUtils.setCfg[xxxx]Value() //Get and set account info: List<VoipAccount> CfgUtils.loadAccounts() VoipAccount getAccount() updateAccount() VoipAccount getDefaultAccount() setDefaultAccount() //Get and set account configurations; List<VoipProfile> CfgUtils.loadProfiles() VoipProfile CfgUtils.getProfile() updateProfile()

Refer to: Htek SDK Demo

3.4 hlVoipCall

Used to makes call and answers call through Htek VoIP.

Htek VoIP is the built-in call component on the phone, if your APP has its own call function, you don’t need use this component.

import com.htek.call.utils.CallMaker; CallMaker.call() interface VoipInCallPresenter.PresenterListener{ default void onServiceBind(VoipInCallService service){} default void onServiceUnbind(){} default void onCallAdded(Call call){} default void onCallRemoved(Call call){} default void onCanAddCallChanged(boolean canAddCall){} default void onForwardInCall(){} default void onBringToForeground(boolean showDialpad){} default void onCallAudioStateChanged(CallAudioState audioState){} default void onSilenceRinger(){} default void onConnectionEvent(Call call, String event, Bundle extras){} }

Refer to: Htek SDK Demo

4. Scene System

4.1 Introduction of Scene System

When using an Htek Android phone, there are many states, which the phone may be in one of them when you operate the phone.
Depending on the state, the phone responses differently to the same command/action.

For example, when you using the dialpad, and at the same time, you pickup the handset, the phone will call the number if you have already input some numbers, or it will switch to handset mode if you haven't input anything.

We call the current state of the phone a scene, and we use Scene System to manage the scene switching.

Below table lists some scenes as an example:

Action →
Current Scene ↓

Pickup handset

Press handsfree button

Press headset button

Action →
Current Scene ↓

Pickup handset

Press handsfree button

Press headset button


Enter dialpad

Enter dialpad

Switch headset priority mode

Using an app (not in talking)

Enter dialpad

Enter dialpad

Switch headset priority mode

Play Music

Using handset play

Using handsfree play

Using headset play

Using 3rd-party app talking

Switch to handset mode

Switch to handsfree mode

Switch to headset mode

Using dialpad

If already dial nubmers, call out using handset; else,
switch to handset mode

If already dial nubmers, call out using handsfree; else,
switch to handsfree mode

If already dial nubmers, call out using headset; else,
switch to headset mode

Using built-in VOIP app talking

Switch to handset mode

If already in handsfree mode, end up the call; else,
switch to handsfree mode

If already in headset mode, end up the call; else,
switch to headset mode

4.2 Scene Client and Scene Manager

The scene system consists of scene client and scene manager.

4.2.1 Scene Manager

The SceneManager is a system service, and you can get an instance through this way:

SceneManager sceneManager = context.getSystemService(SceneManager.class);

Here is a list of all interfaces supported by the Scene Manager.

Expand the below block.

public class SceneManager { /* Audio State */ public static final int AUDIO_STATE_NONE = ISceneService.AUDIO_STATE_NONE; public static final int AUDIO_STATE_HANDFREE = ISceneService.AUDIO_STATE_HANDFREE; public static final int AUDIO_STATE_HANDSET = ISceneService.AUDIO_STATE_HANDSET; public static final int AUDIO_STATE_HEADSET = ISceneService.AUDIO_STATE_HEADSET; /* Sence Priority */ public static final int SENCE_PRIORITY_MIN = ISceneService.SENCE_PRIORITY_MIN; public static final int SENCE_PRIORITY_LOW = ISceneService.SENCE_PRIORITY_LOW; public static final int SENCE_PRIORITY_MID = ISceneService.SENCE_PRIORITY_MID; public static final int SENCE_PRIORITY_HIGH = ISceneService.SENCE_PRIORITY_HIGH; public static final int SENCE_PRIORITY_EXTRA_HIGH = ISceneService.SENCE_PRIORITY_EXTRA_HIGH; public static final int SENCE_PRIORITY_MAX = ISceneService.SENCE_PRIORITY_MAX; /* EHS Event */ public static final int EHS_EVENT_MIN = ISceneService.EHS_EVENT_MIN; public static final int EHS_EVENT_ONHOOK = ISceneService.EHS_EVENT_ONHOOK; public static final int EHS_EVENT_OFFHOOK = ISceneService.EHS_EVENT_OFFHOOK; public static final int EHS_EVENT_MUTE = ISceneService.EHS_EVENT_MUTE; public static final int EHS_EVENT_UNMUTE = ISceneService.EHS_EVENT_UNMUTE; public static final int EHS_EVENT_REJECT = ISceneService.EHS_EVENT_REJECT; public static final int EHS_EVENT_REDAIL = ISceneService.EHS_EVENT_REDAIL; public static final int EHS_EVENT_MAX = ISceneService.EHS_EVENT_MAX; /* voip */ public static final String SCENE_PROP_CALL_WAIT_ESTABLISH = "voip.call.wait_establish"; public static final String SCENE_PROP_DIAL_STARTING = "voip.dial.starting"; public static final String SCENE_PROP_CALL_AUDIO_ROUTE = "voip.call.route"; public static final String ACTION_SCENE_KEY_HOLD = "com.ipphone.voip.hold_down"; public static final String ACTION_SCENE_KEY_FORWARD = "com.ipphone.voip.forward_down"; public static final String ACTION_SCENE_KEY_REDAIL = "com.ipphone.voip.redial_down"; public static final String ACTION_SCENE_KEY_USB_HEADSET_REDAIL = "com.ipphone.voip.usb_headset_redial_down"; public static final String ACTION_SCENE_EHS_KEY_REDAIL = "com.ipphone.voip.ehs_redail"; public static final String ACTION_SCENE_KEY_MAIL = "com.ipphone.voip.mail"; public interface OnAudioDeviceChangeListener { void onAudioDeviceChanged(); } public interface ExtEventHandler { boolean onExtEvent(VoipExtEvent event); } /* Register Scene Client. If the Scene Client has the highest priority, it will be activated. */ public void registerScene( @IntRange(from = SENCE_PRIORITY_MIN, to = SENCE_PRIORITY_MAX) int priority, @NonNull ISceneClient client); /* Un-register Scene Client. If it has the highest priority, will exit it. */ public void unregisterScene(@NonNull ISceneClient client); /* Register a listener to listen the audio device changed messages. */ public void registerOnAudioDeviceChangeListener(@NonNull OnAudioDeviceChangeListener listener, Handler handler); /* Un-register the listener that listen the audio device changed. */ public void unregisterOnAudioDeviceChangeListener(@NonNull OnAudioDeviceChangeListener listener); /* Restore audio state */ public int restoreStateSceneAudioState(ISceneClient scene); /* Save current audio state */ public void saveCurrentSceneAudioState(ISceneClient scene); /* Clear audio state */ public void clearSaveSceneAudioState(); /* Display audio state on status bar */ public void notifyAudioOnStatusbar(int audioState) public void addPendingDialNumber(char c, boolean replace); /* Launch dialpad. */ public void launchDialer(); /* Fetch the dialed number when in idle status. */ public String fetchPendingDialNumbers(); /* Open handsfree */ public void openHandfree(); /* Open handset */ public void openHandset(); /* Open headset */ public void openHeadset(); /* The status of handset: true:off hook,false:on hook */ public boolean isHandsetOffHook(); /* The status of if the headset is high priority? true: yes; false: no */ public boolean isHeadsetFirstEnable(); /* Set the priority status of headset. */ public void setHeadsetFirstEnable(boolean enable); /* The status of if the headset is enabled? */ public boolean isHeadsetOn(); /* The status of if the USB headset is enabled? */ public boolean isUSBHeadsetOn(); /* The status of if the BT headset is enabled? */ public boolean isBluetoothHeadsetOn(); /* The status of if the wired headset using RJ9 port if enabled? */ public boolean isWiredHeadsetOn(); /* The status of if the handset is enabled? */ public boolean isHandsetOn(); /* The status of if the handsfree is enabled? */ public boolean isHandfreeOn(); /* Obtain the UID of the owner of the currently active SceneClient. */ public int getCurrentSceneUID(); /* Set the property of the Scene */ public void setSceneProperty(String propName, String propValue); /* Obtain the specific property */ public void getSceneProperty(String propName, String defaultValue); /* Clear the specific property */ public void clearSceneProperty(String propName); /* If the specific property exist? */ public boolean hasSceneProperty(String propName); /* Reset call flag */ public void resetVoipRoute(); /* Publish ehs event */ public boolean onEhsEvent(@IntRange(from = EHS_EVENT_MIN, to = EHS_EVENT_MAX) int ehsEvent) /* Lauch camera */ public void launchCamera(); }


4.2.2 Scene Client

Implement a Scene Client and register it to Scene Manager so you can use it to handle events. You may have multi Scene Clients, but only the one which has the highest priority will be active to work. (refer to Scene Priority)

The interface of Scene Client is as below:

interface ISceneClient { void enter(); void exit(); boolean onDialpadPress(char c, boolean replace); boolean onUnhandleKeyEvent(int KeyEvent event); boolean onAudioDeviceChanged(); boolean onEhsEvent(int ehsEvent); String getName(); }




Return Value




Return Value









If there is another Scene Client has higher priority exists, or unregister this Scene Client, exit() will be called.




Need to implement to return the name of Scene Client.



true: if it is no need to use system default audio device switching mechanism;

false: if need.

Generally, return false is recommended.

Tips: the system default audio device switching mechanism will update the corresponding LED, Status Bar and so on when the audio device has been changed.


c: the currently input character (0~9, *, #).

replace: replace the previous input character or not

true: Dialpad press event will not be deliver to the currently active app

false: Dialpad press event will be deliver to the currently active app

This callback doesn't run in UI threading, please avoid executing blocking tasks here.


ehsEvent: EHS Event

true: if the EHS event is handled

false: if the EHS event has not been handled

If you don't need EHS, you don't need to implement it, and you can just return false.


event: unhandled key event

true: if the key event is handled

false: if the key event has not been handled


4.3 Key Event Dispatch with Scene System

The key event dispatch of Htek Android SDK is different with the Android standard

4.4 Scene Priority

The valid value of scene priority is between 0 to 100.

Here is a list of the built-in settings.















4.5 Built-in Scene







Provide a default handle if there is no other scene




The scene of the launcher app, which is used to handle dialing in the launcher.

From the launcher is displayed until the launcher is overwritten by another apps



The scene of playing media.

From the beginning of media paly until the media was ended or was interrupted by another scene.



The scene of making a conversation on a third-party app.

From the beginning of the conversation until it was ended or was interrupted by another scene.

Voip Call


The scene of handling system VoIP call.

From the first VoIP call started until all calls stopped.



The scene of handling dialpad event.

From the dialpad displayed until the exited the dialpad or was interrupted by another scene.

5. Key Events

5.1 When app is running in foreground

When the app is running in foreground, the key events dispatching is the same as Android standard.

5.2 When app is running in background

When the app is running in background, the app should has its own SceneClinet with a high priority.

The key events will be sent to the Scene Client firstly, and then be send to the onUnhandleKeyEvent of the Scene Client.

5.3 Key Events list

public class KeyEvent { public static final int KEYCODE_VOIP_REDIAL = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_VOIP_REDIAL; public static final int KEYCODE_VOIP_FORWARD = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_VOIP_FORWARD; public static final int KEYCODE_VOIP_HOLD = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_VOIP_HOLD; public static final int KEYCODE_VOIP_SPEAKER = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_VOIP_SPEAKER; public static final int KEYCODE_VOIP_HEADSET = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_VOIP_HEADSET; public static final int KEYCODE_VOIP_TEAMS = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_VOIP_TEAMS; public static final int KEYCODE_VOIP_MUTE = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_VOIP_MUTE; public static final int KEYCODE_VOIP_OFFHOOK = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_VOIP_OFFHOOK; public static final int KEYCODE_VOIP_ONHOOK = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_VOIP_ONHOOK; public static final int KEYCODE_VOIP_MAILS = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_VOIP_MAILS; public static final int KEYCODE_VOIP_VIDEO = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_VOIP_VIDEO; public static final int KEYCODE_VOIP_USB_KEY = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_VOIP_USB_KEY; public static final int KEYCODE_VOIP_BLUETOOTH_KEY = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_VOIP_BLUETOOTH_KEY; public static final int KEYCODE_VOIP_WIFI_KEY = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_VOIP_WIFI_KEY; public static final int KEYCODE_USBHEADSET_OFFHOOK = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_USBHEADSET_OFFHOOK; public static final int KEYCODE_USBHEADSET_ONHOOK = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_USBHEADSET_ONHOOK; public static final int KEYCODE_USBHEADSET_REDIAL = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_USBHEADSET_REDIAL; public static final int KEYCODE_USBHEADSET_REJECT = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_USBHEADSET_REJECT; public static final int KEYCODE_USBHEADSET_HOLD = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_USBHEADSET_HOLD; }

6. LED

There are two types of LED on Htek Android phone.

  1. Power LED, normally on the top of the phone.

  2. Function key LED contains the Speaker, Headset, Voice Mail, Mute and so on.

6.1 Power LED Manager

The Power LED is aimed at showing the status of the phone. There are four different status now:

  • Ringing Status

  • Miss Call Status

  • Voice Message Status

  • Active Call Status

The PowerLEDManager is a system service, you can get the instance through this way:

PowerLEDManager ledManager = context.getSystemService(PowerLEDManager.class);

And here are the interfaces of the PowerLEDManager.

public class PowerLEDManager { public void setInCall(boolean inCall); public void setRinging(boolean on); public void setExistMissCall(boolean has); public void setHasVoiceMail(boolean has); }

6.2 Function Key LED Manager

Function key contains the Speaker, Headset, Voice Mail, Mute and so on.

Different phone models may have different function keys. If you need the LED of a specific function key, please read the model datasheet, or consult Htek.

The manager of Function Key LED is LEDManager. It is also a system service and you can get the instance by the similar way:

LEDManager ledManager = context.getSystemService(LEDManager.class);

The interfaces of LEDManager lists as below:

public class LEDManager { public void setMuteLedOn(boolean on); public void setHeadsetLedOn(boolean on); public void setMailLedOn(boolean on); public void setSpeakerLedOn(boolean on); }

7. Audio Channel

The interfaces of controlling audio channel are contained in SceneManager. To get the instance of the SceneManger, you can do this:

SceneManager sceneManager = context.getSystemService(SceneManager.class);

The below content lists the interfaces related to audio channel controlling.

public class SceneManager { /* Open handsfree */ public void openHandfree(); /* Open handset */ public void openHandset(); /* Open headset */ public void openHeadset(); /* The status of handset: true:off hook,false:on hook */ public boolean isHandsetOffHook(); /* The status of if the headset is high priority? true: yes; false: no */ public boolean isHeadsetFirstEnable(); /* Set the priority status of headset. */ public void setHeadsetFirstEnable(boolean enable); /* The status of if the headset is enabled? */ public boolean isHeadsetOn(); /* The status of if the USB headset is enabled? */ public boolean isUSBHeadsetOn(); /* The status of if the BT headset is enabled? */ public boolean isBluetoothHeadsetOn(); /* The status of if the wired headset using RJ9 port if enabled? */ public boolean isWiredHeadsetOn(); /* The status of if the handset is enabled? */ public boolean isHandsetOn(); /* The status of if the handsfree is enabled? */ public boolean isHandfreeOn(); }

Note that even without registering your own SceneClient, you can still call the interfaces above. But if you want to get better embedded in the Htek Android phone and provide a better user experience, it is recommended to implement your own.

8. USB headset

The USBHeadsetManager is also a system service, you can get the instance through this way:

USBHeadsetManager usbHeadsetManager= context.getSystemService(USBHeadsetManager .class);

Then, you can control the USB headset by the below interfaces:

public class USBHeadsetManager { /* mute headset mic */ public void setMicMuteOn(boolean on); /* set headset hook status */ public void setHookStatus(boolean offHook); /* set headset ringing */ public void setRinging(boolean ringing); /* set headset hold */ public void setHold(boolean hold) ; }

9. Default Dial App

In AndroidManifest.xml of the app, receive android.intent.action.DIAL and set the priority higher than 0, you can let the app become the default dial app.

Here is an example:

<activity android:name=".MockDialerActivity" android:exported="true"> <intent-filter android:priority="100"> <action android:name="android.intent.action.DIAL" /> <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" /> </intent-filter> <intent-filter android:priority="100"> <action android:name="android.intent.action.DIAL" /> <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" /> <data android:scheme="tel" /> </intent-filter> </activity>

10. Autostart

In AndroidManifest.xml of the app, receive android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED.

Here is an example:

<receiver android:name=".MockReceiver" android:exported="true" android:enabled="true"> <intent-filter> <action android:name="android.intent.action.LOCKED_BOOT_COMPLETED" /> <action android:name="android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED" /> <action android:name="android.intent.action.QUICKBOOT_POWERON" /> </intent-filter> </receiver>


Htek SDK Demo & Library Download









May 15, 2024










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