Make Ring Tones

Make Ring Tones

Ring Tools: ringtool.exe
  1. Batch file convert(Please install Cooledit tool first)
    1a:Select the Original ringtone file.

  2. Resample:

    2a:Click the "Resample" button go to the resample page. Then click the "Change Destination Format" button in the resample page.
    2b:Change the destination format to "Sample Rate: 8000 & Channels: Mono & Resolution: 16-bit"; 

  3. Chose new file format and format properties
    3a:Click "New format " button

    3b:Set the Output Format to "PCM Raw Date(*.pcm)".
    3c:Set the Sample Format Types to "8000Hz,16-bit,Mono".
    3d:click "Format Properties..." button, select "16-bit PCM(LSB, MSB)" 

  4. Choose destination folder and file renaming scheme
    4a:Click the "Destination" folder.

    4b:Chosedestination folder as you need 

  5. Click the "Run Batch" button

  6. You could install the tool of Cooledit to make the ringtone you like.
    6a. The ringtone which you update must less than 64k in total;
    6b. The parameter of ringtone is “Sample Rate: 8000 & Channels: Mono & Resolution: 16-bit linear, little-endian”;
    6c. The ringtone format is “*.bin”

  7. Cut the he originalringtone file in to appropriate size.
    7a: Open the original ringtone file

    7b:select the segment of ringtone(Ctrl + C)
    7c:Creat a new file via File?New.
    7d:Paste it to the new created file(Ctrl + V).
    Note: The ringtone format as picture:
    7e:Save the ringtone via FileSave As..
    Note: please choose the save type as which the originalringtone file is. 

  8. Make the .bin format ringtone by .pcm format files.
    8a:Go to destination folder you will see the new .pcm files.
    8b:Double click the "ringtool.exe".
    8c:Choes the new .pcm files as input file and then click the "GanerateRingfile" button 
    Then you will get a file named "ring1.bin".This is the ringtone file which you can upload to our phone.
    Please Note: Our phone (phone versions before just support ringtone 4/5/6/7/8 can be upload. Please rename "ring1.bin" to ring4.bin/ ring5.bin/ ring6.bin/ ring7.bin/ ring8.bin. Version of the phone after supports ring1-8.

  9. Provision ringtone.
    8a:Set up a http/https/tftp/ftp server.
    8b: Go to Webpage -> Management -> Auto provision -> Ring Server Path. In the option, fill in your server path. 
    If you want to auto provision this option, please set P20174 =
    8c:Put the ringtone file into the server path.
    8d: Restart IP phone.

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