

MIB Browser: MIB_Browser.zip

1. Introduction

SNMP is a standard network management protocol that is widely used on TCP/IP networks. It can be used in a network management system to monitor any exception on devices connected to the network. SNMP uses a polling mechanism and provides a basic function set, making it applicable to small-scale networks that are sensitive to speed and cost. Moreover, SNMP messages are carried in User Datagram Protocol (UDP) packets, which are supported by most network devices. In addition, SNMP allows management information exchange between any two devices on a network, allowing network administrators to query information and locate faults on any network nodes.

On the phone, SNMP Service allows administrator disable/enable this feature, set Get and Set Community string, and up to 4 SNMP Manager IP address.

2. Using SNMP

To configure SNMP via Web interface:

You could find SNMP settings on webpage → Management → Auto Provision → SNMP Service

The above image shows the needed settings of the SNMP feature.

  • SNMP Service Enable: Yes
  • SNMP Get Community: string within 32 characters
  • SNMP Set Community: string within 32 characters
  • SNMP Manager IP 1: IP address

The SNMP request from unknown IP or carries incorrect community string will be ignored.

3. Using MIB Browser to Communicate with IP Phone

2. Install "MIB Browser"
1) Double click "setup.exe"



3. Open "MIB Browser"
Click the "File" menu, you can see:
1) Load MIBs
Launch a file dialog for picking one or multiple MIB files. You need to hold CTRL key if you want to select multiple files.
2) UnLoad MIBs
List the path of unload MIB files.
3) MIB Modules
List properties of all loaded MIB modules.
4) Open Session
Open a previously saved session file.
5) Save Session
Save current settings of open tabs to a session file, which can be opened later to restore tabs.
6) Exit
Exit browser.
Follow the steps below:
1) Enter the IP of the phone.

2) Click "File" -> "Load MIBs". And load "SNMPv2-MIB".

3) Right click the MIB file, and then click "Walk".

Then you can see the information of the phone you supervised.

4) If you want to restart or factory reset by this, you can do as followed:
Select the "restart" or "factory reset" item. Right click it, and then click "Set".

Then you can see this. Enter the webpage password (default: admin), and then click "Ok".

You will see this if your operation succeeds.

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