How to Upload Contact Photo to Expansion Module

How to Upload Contact Photo to Expansion Module

There are two methods for uploading contact photo to Expansion Module:

  1. Upgrade via Webpage
  2. Upgrade via Auto Provision

See the introduction for below two upgrade methods.

Upgrade via Webpage

  1.  Logo on Webpage ->Directory, Add a new contact:Name: Eric, Office Number: 100
  2. Choose this contact, click Upload Photo to upload the contact photo
  3. Click Save to save the configuration
  4. BLF Configuration
  • Logo on Webpage->Function Keys->EXP KEY
  • Configure value=100, Label=Eric, then click save to save the configuration
  • The contact(Eric)'s photo would be uploaded to the Expansion Module

Upgrade via Auto Provision

The advantage for this upgrade is that it is easy to manage and easy to upload the contact photo in large amount. First, it is necessary that the Auto Provision Phonebook.xml(The contact file) and the exp_res.tar(The contact's photo file) need to be upgraded to your phone. Then the expansion module gets these two files from the IP Phone, and matching the contact's office number with contact's photo, and then the contact's photo would be upgraded to the expansion module.
1. Phonebook.xml

  1. The phonebook.xml file is the Auto Provision phonebook file, name it as phonebook.xml. You can download this xml file at Webpage-Directory-Export XML(see below picture). This phonebook.xml file is used to edit and restore the info for contact and contact's photo. More detailed info about phonebook.xml, please download the file《About Auto Provision Phonebook.pdf》at our website.
  2. You can find below info in the phonebook.xml, this is the contact name, this is the office extension number, this is the contact photo name. If you need to upload like 40 contact photos, first copy the below info, and paste in another line. You can set the sDisplayName as other contact name, like Jack, and set the extension number as 101, and set the contact photo name 101_hp.jpg(see below picture).Set the other contacts just in this way.
  3. Save the phonebook.xml after you restore the contact info

2. exp_res.tar
Exp_res.tar is the contact photo file, all the contact photos need to be restored here. After you add Jack, office number 101 into the phonebook.xml. You need to rename Jack's photo as 101_hp.jpg(128*128), and add this jpg into exp_res.tar. Detailed schedules are as follow:

  1. Unzip exp_res.tar file
  2. Add 101_hp.jpg into exp_res, and compress the file.

Upgrade phonebook.xml and exp_res.tar

  1. Copy phonebook.xml into Phonebook XML Server Path, You can set this server path on Webpage-Management-Auto Provision-Phonebook XML Server Path
  2. Copy exp_res.tar into IP Phone exp_res Server URL. You can set this server URL on Webpage-Management-Auto Provision-exp_res Server URL(e.g.:

Note: It is better to put the phonebook.xml and exp_res.tar into same Server Path.

  1. After the above two schedules, please restart the phone.
  2. After the phone reboot, be sure that the expansion module is connected with the phone. Reboot the expansion module(Webpage-Home-Expansion Module Version-Reboot)
  3. After reboot, Log on Webpage-Function Keys-EXP KEY, set the type as BLF, Value as 100/101, Label as Eric/Jack. Click SaveSet to save the configuration.
  4. The uploaded contact photo would be as follow.


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