Upgrade considerations
Regarding which version the phone should be upgraded, you can distinguish it by the follow way.
  Due to the distinction of the hardware platform of the phone, if the DSP parameter of the phone with "M", thenÂ
  UC902/UC903/UC912(G)(E) need to upgrade the fw900M.rom
  UC923/UC924(E)/UC926(E) need to upgrade the fw920M.romÂ
  If the DSP parameter of the phone without "M", thenÂ
  UC902 upgrade the fw902.rom, UC903 upgrade the fw903.rom, UC912(G) upgrade the fw912.rom
  UC923 upgrade the fw923.rom, UC924 upgrade the fw924.rom, UC926 upgrade the fw926.rom.
If the DSP parameter of the phone with "D", thenÂ
UC926U/UC926S/UC924U/UC924W/UC923U/UC921U need to upgrade the fw920U.romÂ
 For the new models
  UC501 upgrade the fw500M.rom, UC503(G) upgrade the fw500M.rom, UC505 upgrade the fw520M.rom, UC507 upgrade the fw520M.rom.
  UC902S upgrade the fw910M.rom,  UC921(G) upgrade the fw910M.rom
  If you still can't distinguish, you can choose the corresponding file upgrade according to the interface prompt of the phone upgrade.