Send HTTP Post

Send HTTP Post

Send HTTP Tool: Send_HTTP_Tool.zip

Configuration on the phone's web page

Setting->Features->Remote Control->Push xml Server IP:
Fill in IP address which the phone will receive http post from.

Send http post

(1) You should post to: http://IP/ipphone_xml_push

Note: IP is your phone's IP.

(2) Content-Type: text/xml
Content-Length: 126
Expect: 100-continue
(3) XML format:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<Configuration Beep="yes">
<P271 para="Account1.Active">0</P271>
(4) Account enable or disable is set by P271:
Enable:1; disable:0;

For example: use 'Send HTTP Tool'

phone device: 252model: UC924ip address:

As shown above, the account will be disable.
In a similar way, you can set: <P271 para="Account1.Active">1</P271> to enable account.

Note: The xml is generated by your PBX and then send to the phone.

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