Call parking

Call parking

Call parking

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You can use call park feature to park a call, and then retrieve the parked call from another phone.Htek IP phone supports call park Feature. For call park feature, the server will automatically hunt for the first available orbit in the call park orbits and parks the call there. The call park orbits should be predefined. You can park an active call by pressing the park call key(if configured) on the phone. And you also can retrieve the parked call by pressing a (retrieve) parked call key or dialing the retrieve access code.

How To Configure

1.Log in Bicom Management Console->Settings->Access codes->call parking

There are feature codes about call parking.

How To Use

1.when one phone (1001) call another phone?1003?,1003 has something to do then 1003 can click "DTMF"button(value is #700) to park this call ;

2.another phone(1002) configure all the parking space,when there is a call which is stopping on the parking space ,the line key'LED will Blinking red,then you can press the line key to answer this call.

Notes:another phone(1002) must have call pickup enabled in Enhanced Services in order to be able to pick up parked calls.

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