Group Hunt

Group Hunt

Group Hunt

Over View

A group hunt is a set of extension numbers that are embedded inside a single virtual extension. Incoming calls are rotated through the pool of extensions until someone answers and the caller is connected.

How To Configure 

Log in Bicom Management Console->Choose one Extensions->Edits->Enhanced Services

1.Turned on the Group Hunt service and we can see the codes.


2.Click Edit and add the Extensions which you want to call ,You can choose to add an Extension or several Extensions(The maximum number that can be added is four),

If all destinations fail after 'Timeout', 'Last Destination' will be called and it can also leave a voice message of the last phone.


How To Use

When you complete the configuration:

1.One phone configured with an Extension of 1001 is configured with Group Hunt service;you can also dial *510 turn on the service and dial *511 turn off the service.

2.When one phone call this phone(1001),the phone configured with an Extension of  1009 will ring,If the phone does not answer the call within 5s,it will be postponed to the next extension until the last phone rings or you call also leave a voice message to the last phone.



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