Group Configuration

Group Configuration

The management system supports group configuration management to help administrators organize and push device configurations within the same group. The same devices can be in different groups at the same time. You can create a group template first, update parameters in the template and then push it to devices.

Topics include:

On the Page of Group Configuration



The filter area of searching a group configuration template.


There are three options to deal the template in the list.


Add or delete a template.


Rescore the template.


The list of the model configuration template you have added.


You can update the parameters in a template and push it to devices..


You can delete a template.


You can push a template to devices.



  • View Params: View the updated parameters in the template.

  • Download: Download the configuration file based on the template.

  • Config Text: You can update parameters via text.

  • Config Params: You can update the parameters in the template.

  • Restore Default: Restore all the parameters of the template to their default values.

Add a Group Template and Push it to Devices

You can create a group template, update parameters and push it to devices.

1.Click Configuration Management -> Group Configuration.

2.Click +Add button on the top left corner.

3.Enter the group name. You can also add remarks.


Group Name

(Necessary and Unique) Name of a group template.


(Optional) You can take some notes here.

4.Click Next button.

5.Click +Add to add devices into the group

  1. Choose devices in the site. Click Confirm.

  2. Click Next, update parameters in the template.

  1. If you choose Save, the template will be saved in the template list.

  2. If you choose Save and Push, you can choose task execution mode -> Confirm.

Update Name, Devices inside, Parameters in a Group Template and Push

Once a group temple has been added, you can update it names, devices in the group and parameters, then push it to devices. There are TWO ways: by Visual interface or by text.

By Visual interface

1.   Click Configuration Management -> Group Configuration.

2.   Click  of a group template.

3.   Do the same steps in Add a Group Template.

By text

1.Click Configuration Management -> Group Configuration.

2.Click  image-20240710-063455.png  on the right side of the configuration and choose Config  text.

3.Enter the configuration parameters to be updated.


4.Click Confirm button. The popup will show the tips: Update the device configuration now?

5.Click Cancel button and the parameters will be saved. Or you can click Confirm button to push the configuration to devices.

Push a Group Template

Once a group temple has been added, you can push it to devices.

  1. Click Configuration Management -> Group Configuration.

  2. Click  of a group template.

  3. Choose devices in the group.

  4. Click Push To Update. Choose a task execution mode then click Confirm.

View Parameters Updated in a Template

Once a group temple has been added, you can check the updated parameters.

1.Click Configuration Management -> Group Configuration.

2.Click  image-20240710-063756.png  on the right side of a template and choose View Params. You can view the name, type and value of parameters you have updated.

Download a Group Template

Once a group temple has been added, you can download it as a .xml file.

1.Click Configuration Management -> Group Configuration.

2.Click   on the right side of the template and choose Download.

Delete Group Templates

Once a group temple has been added, you can delete them.

  1. Click Configuration Management -> Group Configuration.

  2. Delete one template or more.

a)        Click  on the right of the template you want to delete.

b)        Click Confirm button.


a)      Check the boxes of the templates you want to delete.

b)      Click Delete button.

c)       Click Confirm button.


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