Manage Profiles

Manage Profiles

Different devices may use different SIP server for registering accounts. You can save the information of SIP servers and other settings of the devices in a profile. Meanwhile, you can manage some profiles into a group for better management.

You have to create a group first, then add profiles in a specific group


Topics include:

Add a Profile Group

You can divide profiles into different groups. Every group has a unique label so that you can manage a certain type of profile directly. After you have added a group, you can add or check profiles in a group via image-20240709-101722.png .


  1. Click Profile Management -> Profile Group.

  2. Click +Add button.

  3. Enter the information of group.


Group Name

Name of the group. It is necessary and unique.


Tag of a group. It is necessary.


You can take some notes about the group here

  1. Click Confirm button.

On the Page of Profile Group



You can filter the groups based on the filter criteria.


Use +Add button to add a group in the list in 3.


The list of the group you have created.




You can update the information of the group.




You can delete a specific group.




You can add or check a profile or profiles here.


Add a Profile

You have to add a group before add a profile. Check Add a Profile Group for more information.


  1. Click Profile Management -> Profile Group.

  2. Choose a group and click  image-20240709-101809.png on the right side of group list.

  3. Click +Add button on the top left corner.

  4. Enter the information of profile.



The name of the profile. Must be unique.


Settings in the profiles. You can add the URL of a SIP server.

  1. Click Confirm button.

Import a Brunch of Profiles


  1. Click Profile Management -> Profile Group.

  2. Click  image-20240709-101822.png  on the right side of group list.

  3. Click Download Template  image-20240709-101831.png and save file.

  4. Open the template and enter the information of different profiles. Then save it as a new file.

  1. Click Import  image-20240709-101843.png button.

  2. Click Choose button and choose the new file.

  3. Click Upload button.

On the Page of a Specific Profile Group



You can filter profiles based on the name.


Five operations are provided to operate profiles in the list below.




You can add or delete profiles.




You can import a large number of profiles at once.




You can export all the profiles as a excel file




You can download a template before import a large number of profiles.


The list of the profiles you have created.


Four operations are provided to operate a profile.




You can edit a specific profile.




You can delete a specific profile.




You can push a profile to devices.




You can check information of related accounts.

Edit Profiles


1.Click Profile Management -> Profile Group.

2.Choose a specific profile group and click  image-20240709-101855.png  on the right side of group list.

3.Click image-20240709-101905.png  on the right side of the profile.

4.Edit information, then click Confirm button.

Check Information of related Accounts

After you have added accounts (For more detail, check Account Management via a profile, you can check the information of the accounts in this profile.


  1. Click Profile Management -> Profile Group.

  2. Click image-20240709-102239.png  on the right side of group list.

  3. Click image-20240709-102246.png  on the right side of profile to view account information.



Filter Area. Fuzzy search is supported.


The list of the accounts bound with this profile.

  1. You can enter account attributes and click Search to find out specific account information.

Search Profiles


  1. Click Profile Management -> Profile Group.

  2. Click  image-20240709-102417.png  on the right side of group list.

  3. Enter the profile name and click Search.

Push a Profile to Devices

Once you have changed the parameters in a profile, you can push it to devices.


  1. Click Profile Management -> Profile Group.

  2. Click  image-20240709-102447.png  on the right side of group list.

  3. Click image-20240710-004934.png  on the right side of profile.

  4. Choose the devices (bound with this profile) on the right.

Only the devices bound with the profile will be shown in the list. To bond a device with a profile, you need to choose a profile when adding a device in Device Management -> Device List -> +Add at the beginning.

  1. If you want to find out specific devices, click Search.

  2. Click Push to Update.

  3. Choose task execution mode

  • At Once: Profiles will be pushed to device, and device will update immediately.

  • Timing: Enter the Task Name and Execution Time. Then choose one option at Repeat.

  1. Click Confirm button.

Export Profiles

You can export profiles stored in HDMS.


  1. Click Profile Management -> Profile Group.

  2. Click  image-20240709-102653.png  on the right side of group list.

  3. Choose profile(s) and click Export button. The popup will show the tips: Confirm Export?

  4. Click Confirm button and save file. You can open this file to see the details of profile(s).

Delete Profiles


  1. Click Profile Management -> Profile Group.

  2. Click image-20240709-102739.png  on the right side of group list.

  3. You can delete a profile or profiles.

  • Click image-20240709-102744.png  on the right side of a profile. Popup will show the tips: Confirm Delete?

  • Check the profiles you want to delete. Then click the Delete button and popup will show the tips: Confirm Delete?

  1. Click Confirm button.

If you want to delete profile group, you need to delete all the profiles in the group first.

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