Voicemail Features on Yeastar

Voicemail Features on Yeastar

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If your number is unavailable, others can leave a voice message to you by the feature of voicemail.


1. Settings→PBX→Extensions→Edit→Features.
Enable voicemail and configure the password (Voicemail Access PIN).
2. Settings→PBX→General→Voicemail.
Configure some settings of voicemail.
If you enable "Ask Caller to Dial 5", you need to dial 5 before you start recording your voicemail.
If you enable "Operator Breakout from Voicemail", you can dial 0 to exit the voicemail and go to the destination you set, the destination is IVR.
3. Settings→PBX→General→Feature Code
Check Voicemail by dialing *2.
Enter the Voicemail Main Menu by dialing *02.
Send Voicemail to the target directly by dialing **+extension number.

How to Configure

To configure Voicemail via auto-provisioning an extension:
1. Auto Provisioning→Edit Device→Account.
Assign an extension to the phone.
2. Click "Save", then "Reboot phone now?" will be shown. Click "Yes" to provision the phone.
To configure Voicemail via LineKey/Memory Key:
1. Auto Provisioning→Edit Device→LineKey/Memory Keys Settings.
You can configure a LineKey or a Memory Key as "Voicemail".
2. Click "Save", then "Reboot phone now?" will be shown. Click "Yes" to provision the phone.
3. After rebooting, the phone will apply the configuration.

How to Use

To configure Voicemail via auto-provisioning an extension:
1. After rebooting, the phone will get the " Voice Mail UserID". Enter the web interface→Account→Basic.
2. Press the Message function key. The prompt asks you for password. After inputting the password of voicemail of the extension, you will enter your voicemail menu.
To configure Voicemail via LineKey/Memory Key:
The value of the Voicemail key is *2:
1. Press the Voicemail key.
2. Input the password of voicemail of your extension.
3. Enter your voicemail menu.
4. Press the key according to the prompt to reach the function you need.
The value of the Voicemail key is "* + extension number":*
1. Press the Voicemail key.
2. Leave a message to the extension you set.
3. Hang up or press "#" to exit.
The value of the Voicemail key is "*02":
1. Press the Voicemail key.
2. Input the extension whose voicemail you want to listen to.
3. Input the password of voicemail of the extension.
4. Enter the voicemail menu of the extension you input.
5. Press the key according to the prompt to reach the function you need.

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