Conference Feature On NetSapiens Platform

Conference Feature On NetSapiens Platform


Over view

There are two methods to set up conference: Network conference and Local conference.

Network conference: this conference can join in many members.

Local conference: It support up to 5 parties (including yourself) in a conference call,You can set up a conference call with other four parties.

How to config

To Add a conference:

The following procedure describes how to add conferences. When adding a conference, we recommend you require a leader to start the conference; otherwise, anyone with your participant code can use your bridge.

1.Click “conference” button→Click “Add conference” button


2.Enter the conference information:

Name:Enter a name for this bridge. The name should allow you to differentiate this bridge from other bridges you configured.

Type: conference type:

l Dedicated conference bridge :a shared bridge on its own dedicated extension.

l Owned conference bridge : a bridge associated to a user on the system (for example, the bridge for user 1004).

Extension:select the extension used to join this conference.

Editing a conference: read-only field that shows the extension.

Direct Phone Number:Select the phone number used to join the conference.

Owned bridges also have a direct dial field, which is the number internal users can dial to access the bridge.

Leader PIN:Enter the personal identification number (PIN) that the leader will use to authenticate access when joining the meeting. This PIN is private and should be known by internal staff only.

Participant PIN:Enter the PIN that participants will use to authenticate access when joining the meeting. Distribute this PIN to all guests of the meeting.

Minimum participants to start:Select the minimum number of participants that must attend the conference before it can start.

Require a Leader to start:when checked, the system requires a leader to start the conference. If unchecked, the conference call will start when the first participant joins, regardless of whether a leader is present

Prompt all participants for their name:when checked, the system prompts users for their name when they call in to the conference call

Announce participant arrivals/departures:when checked, the system either beeps or announces when a participant joins or leaves the conference


3.Click the “Save” button to save the change.

How to use

Network conference:

  1. A Dial conference number:4000.
  2. You will hear a tone asking for a PIN (Leader PIN).
  3. Enter the PIN and press the # key to end, Then server will play “You are now leader;please record your name after the tone, press the # you are finished”.
  4. Recording your name and press the # key to end,Then server will play “Thanks”.
  5. Second party also dial conference number , enter the PIN (Participant PIN) according the Voice prompts again to join in the conference, then the first and the second party will talk each other.
  6. The server will play “your name which you recorded have left the conference” when the your leave the conference.

Local conference:

  1. Place a call to the first party.
  2. When the first party answers the call, press the Conference soft key to place a new call. The active call is placed on hold.
  3. Enter the number of the second party and press “#”or the Send soft key.
  4. When the second party answers the call, press the Conference soft key again to join all parties in the conference.
  5. Press “split” button, then other two parties will be in hold state. then the active call press “new call” button and enter the number of the third party and press “#”or the Send soft key.
  6. When the third party answers the call, press the Conference soft key again to join all parties in the conference.
  7. Press “split” button, then other third parties will be in hold state. then the active call press “new call” button and enter the number of the fourth party and press “#”or the Send soft key.
  8. When the fourth party answers the call, press the Conference soft key again to join all parties in the conference.

During the conference call, you can do the following actions:
     - Press the “Hold“ soft key to place the conference on hold.
     - Press the ”Split“ soft key to split the conference call into four individual calls on hold.
     - Press to “mute” the conference call.
     - Press the ”End Call“ soft key to drop the conference call.